What is Lazy Girl Job

What is Lazy Girl Job

What is a Lazy Girl Job?

  • Safe (no physical risk)
  • Flexible work times
  • Remote
  • Good Benefits (Company equity, health care, 401K matching, food allowance)
  • Base salary that covers your lifestyle’s current expenses
  • Low stress
  • Clearly defined roles where responsibilities are not likely to change
  • Space to pursue a life not centered around a 9-5
  • Leaves some energy for you to accomplish the rest of the day

Is a Lazy Girl Job my Dream Job?

Instead, shift your goal to a “good enough” job.
Full time salary jobs are always going to be a transfer of time for money. There will always be a power dynamic between employee and employer no matter how hard we try to level the playing field.
We get to find a job that fairly compensates and support your lifestyle while not selling our souls to it.

Example of Lazy Girl Jobs:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Technical writer
  • Copywriter
  • Wed Development
  • Tech sales
  • Customer Success Manager/Account Manager
  • Customer Support
  • Social Media Manager
  • UAT Tester
  • Online Tutor
  • Analyst
But not limited to this list! This list is purely to get your ideas going.
Lazy Girl Jobs is less about the “job” and more about the mindset