Exiting with AI

Exiting with AI

Exiting with AI

Your exit interview is the next step....

An exit interview is a meeting your employer will probably request you join closer to your last day. Sometimes it's not a full meeting and it's just a feedback form. This is so they can gather feedback on why you are leaving and where you are going. This is an opportunity for you to give feedback to possibly improve the process after you.

Issue with exit interviews:

The issue that happens at exit interviews is we forget all the feedback we want to give and/or how to say it without burning bridges!

Let's use AI to gather our thoughts and get prepared for our exit interview...

I wouldn't recommend starting this process an hour before your exit interview. Give yourself a few days to reflect and process.
  1. Write out all constructive feedback you have.
  1. Ask ChatGPT to construct an outline you can use as meeting notes
ChatGPT Prompt
I am leaving my job and need to conduct an exit interview. I will provide my feedback I plan on discussing in this meeting. Can you summarize these bullet points as talking points to guide me through this call using a professional and solutions-focused tone.
(insert bullets)