Job Tracker

Job Tracker

Job Tracker

You can now bookmark your job listings you plan on applying to all in one place! This is a great way to stay organized and track your progress.
  • There is also a Google Chrome extension to add a job you found while searching the web into your tracker automatically!
This tracker offers you the power to manage the stage of the application process you are in with each job! So no more forgetting to follow up!
Tools Needed:


  1. Create an account
  1. Start to familiarize yourself with the platform
  1. Add job listings to your Teal tracker
  1. Manage your current job applications in your Teal tracker

1. Create an account
Click here to get to TealHQ and select Job Tracker.
2. Start to familiarize yourself with the platform
You can track your jobs without purchasing the paid plan. The paid plan does a lot of the work for you and is a great resource. Although this hub shows you how to outreach for free with ChatGPT.
Below is a what the job tracker looks like:
notion image
3. Add jobs to your Teal tracker
Download the Teal HQ Google Extension here. You will then be able to search LinkedIn jobs and add the job posting to your tracker.
Here is an example of how the Google Extension works:
notion image
4. Manage your current job applications through Teal
You can click on each job posting and set the status. It will start at Bookmarked and you can edit each job listings status to the respective status you are currently at:
notion image
Good luck on your job search!