Using AI to Find a Lazy Girl Job

Using AI to Find a Lazy Girl Job

Using AI to Find a Lazy Girl Job

A lazy girl job is defined as a safe, high paying job! We can actually use

Researching roles with ChatGPT

If you don’t know where to start you can use the intelligence of ChatGPT to compare your skills with different career ideas you have!
Here are some example prompts you can submit to ChatGPT to discover if a job is the right fit for your skills:
Example Prompts
"What are the most in-demand skills for [insert job title or industry] positions and how can I develop them?"
"How can I improve my chances of getting hired for a [insert job title or industry] role?"
"What are the top companies hiring for [insert job title or industry] positions in [insert location]?"
"What are the top job openings for [insert job title or industry] in [insert location]?"
"What are the best job search websites for finding [insert job title or industry] jobs?"

Analyzing a chosen role with ChatGPT

Analyze level of difficulty
Analyze the attached job listing for a [insert job posting] and provide an estimation of the difficulty level based on the responsibilities and duties outlined in the listing. Consider my current skills and experience as a [job title] with [X] years of experience in [skill].
Analyze level of effort
Analyze the attached job listing for a [insert job posting] and provide an estimation of the level of effort based on the responsibilities and duties outlined in the listing. Consider my current skills and experience as a [job title] with [X] years of experience in [skill].
Analyze safety
Analyze the attached job listing for a [insert job posting] and provide an estimation of the level of personal safety based on the responsibilities and duties outlined in the listing. Please consider your knowledge on physical safety and high risk working environments. Consider my current skills and experience as a [job title] with [X] years of experience in [skill].