Salary Negotiation Tips

Salary Negotiation Tips

Salary Negotiation

Okay here's my rants/tips….
  1. Never talk about what you made at a previous job - it’s not their business
  1. Be confident about your number - if you are having troubles, practice saying it in the mirror. Trust me it helps!
  1. It can be all about timing. Avoid late afternoon and Friday meetings for salary talk.
  1. Don’t give a range. Say a literal number!
  1. And then add another 10K to it. I have learned over and over again I sell myself short every time.
  1. The hiring manager is your friend. Tell them your salary request often and get them to fight for you internally. Their performance is based off of you accepting a job and staying at the company usually for a year.
  1. Don’t say a number first. Get a salary range from them early. They want your desired salary ASAP to understand if moving forward is worth their time. Tell them you can give them a number ASAP when you understand the salary benchmark and what qualifies for the highest number. Be really strong about it and don’t ramble. Pausing has its power to.
  1. Companies love to give out a bunch of perks, that is great and also isn’t a salary. It is super nice of them. Though sometimes it can also be leverage by the employer to get you to settle for a lower number. You can’t qualify for a mortgage with a free Calm app subscription and a discounted phone bill….just saying
  1. Empathy and social cues are super important. Don’t make it a “ME ME ME” conversation. Ask what the current issues are for this role and really paint the picture for why you are the best match and worth your salary ask.
  1. If you are still lost, frustrated, getting no luck this is the time to get a career coach. There are a ton of reverse recruiters on social media and can also be found through some Googling and LinkedIn networking.